Understanding Asthma Triggers in Children

If your child is living with asthma, the team at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN is here to help you understand the condition, effectively prevent and manage attacks, and help your child live as healthily as possible.

Understanding Triggers in Childhood Asthma

Asthma is a respiratory condition in which the lungs become inflamed in response to a trigger. When this occurs, breathing can be difficult. Though triggers can’t always be avoided, being aware of what triggers flare-ups in your child is crucial. Below, the team at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN share some of the most common triggers, ways to avoid them or minimize your child’s exposure, and more.

Important Facts To Know About Triggers

All children are different, and triggers are not always obvious. This is because exposure to the trigger can happen either right before or several days prior to the attack. Additionally, some triggers seem to lose their effect over time. In order to help your child effectively manage and prevent attacks, it can be helpful to keep an ongoing journal of things they might be exposed to and any attacks.

Common Triggers

Below are some of the most common triggers and steps you can take to minimize your child’s exposure.

Pests, Mold, and Dust

Pests, whether it’s cockroaches or rats, are unclean beings, and they leave unclean things behind. These things, as well as mold, can trigger or worsen flare-ups. Make cleaning a daily priority, ridding your home of any trash, clutter, and moldy items. Wash the bedding regularly and vacuum consistently. Typically, vacuuming should be done while your child is away or safely in another room so they don’t breathe in what you’re trying to vacuum away.

Pet Dander and Saliva

As much as you and your child may love your pets, their dander and saliva can be a trigger. Consider grooming your pet outdoors and vacuuming regularly.

Temperature and Weather Conditions

Extreme temperatures often trigger flare-ups, so try to keep your child indoors in the hottest and coldest parts of the day. Pollen may also be a trigger, so avoid outdoor time when the pollen count is high.


Cleaning products are a very common trigger due to the harsh chemicals. Try switching to gentler or natural cleaners and laundry detergents.

Smoke and Vape

Avoid smoking or vaping around your child and in your home. They may also need to avoid fireplaces and campfires.

Learn more about helping your child live healthily with asthma by calling (615) 329-3595 to schedule an appointment with the team at Pediatric Associates of Davidson County in Nashville, TN.

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